What is Google Lighthouse and Its Benefits

What is Google Lighthouse and Its Benefits

Wouldn’t it be great if you could see your site through Google’s eyes?  We know the fine algorithms of Google are firmly left well enough alone. Simultaneously, we have a great deal of data about the viewpoints Google considers significant when passing judgment on a site.  Also, Google offers us a large group of free…

What is Google Remarketing & How does it work?

What is Google Remarketing & How does it work?

As per recent studies Remarketing is considered to be highly powerful for Brand building, it is a form of Online Advertising. Google Remarketing is nothing but retargeting to your existing audience. Basically, Google Remarketing can be considered spam if done in real life. Spam just because it can be also called the process of stalking…

Importance of Social Media in Restaurant Marketing

Importance of Social Media in Restaurant Marketing

The year 2021 has not been much different from the year 2020, the pandemic year has shown shifts in social trends and other online activities. There was a rapid boost in online activities as people were working from home. This is also reflected in online engagement than ever before.  According to the recent analysis, 59%…